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The Community Food Pantry 

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Throughout the pandemic MAEDT had direct feedback from the community and partner organisation's about the impact poverty was having within our community. Increasing unemployment, families on low income, and food bank referrals were some of the direct consequences of the lockdown.


MAEDT began to explore the idea of a Community Food Pantry to address and tackle these issues, while offering a dignified and empowering way for those on low incomes, experiencing food poverty and food insecurity access for local people to affordable food of their choice, in the quantities they need, when they need it. 


Following successful funding applications, Warris Sheikh was appointed as our Food Access Worker. 


The Community Food Pantry officially opened on the 14th July 2021. Membership is FREE and based on your household. Members can shop once per week for £3.50 which provides 10 credits. Further to these credits members are offered FREE fresh fruit and vegetables, sanitary products and bakery items. 


The pantry is currently open Tuesday 10.30am-2.30pm, Wednesday 1pm-5pm and Thursday 10.30am and 2.30pm. 

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