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Room Hire
We would like the Pavilion and garden to be used as many groups and organisations as possible. We have two side rooms and the Main Room which are all available for hire.
The Pavilion is now served by Wi-Fi enabling you to get online for meetings and to access your work. The activity rooms can be set up with White Boards, Flipcharts, projector and we can arrange refreshments to support your time at your meeting or activity. The set up within the Pavilion is perfectly suitable to offer break-out rooms and access to outdoor space within the garden

Venue Hire Charges
Garden Hire
1 Room
2 Rooms
3 Hours
Whole Day (9am-5pm)
Party bookings available - Buffets provided from £5 per head
Community groups *based in Mayfield & Easthouses 25% Reduction on hourly rates
(Where income is limited to membership)

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